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* Cada DVD tiene un limite de 7 capítulos para las series de animación y de 4 capítulos para los DRAMAS. Esto para conservar la mayor calidad de imagen.
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* Los pedidos se hacen directamente en el local ya que requieren un adelanto en el pago.

14 ene 2011

Dir en grey - Tour 04 The Code of Vulgar[ism] ~Limited Edition~

Dir en grey
Año: 2004
2 DVD's


1. "G.D.S."
2. "Child Prey"
3. "The IIID Empire"
4. "Increase Blue"
5. "Mr. Newsman"
6. "Audience KILLER LOOP"
7. "Drain Away"
8. "Marmalade Chainsaw"
9. "Machiavellism"
10. "RED...「em」"
11. "Amber"
12. "Sajō No Uta「砂上の唄」"
13. "Asunaki Kōfuku, Koenaki Asu「明日無き幸福, 呼笑亡き明日」"
14. "New Age Culture"
16. "Fukai"
17. "Shokubeni「蝕紅」"
18. "Hydra"
19. "Ugly"
20. "Kasumi"
22. "Saku「朔 ~Saku~」"
23. "Hades"
24. "The Domestic Fucker Family"
25. "Byou-Shin「秒-深」"
26. "Jessica"
27. "R To The Core"
28. "Umbrella" 

Encore, April 24th
2. "Drain Away"
4. "Child Prey"
5. "The Domestic Fucker Family"
6. "Byou-Shin「秒-深」"

Encore, April 25th
2. "Saku「朔 ~Saku~」"
3. "Hades"
4. "Jessica"
5. "R To The Core"
6. "Umbrella"

+ OFF STAGE April 24th & 25th
DVD 02
Footage from: Tour 03 Over the vulgar shudder
Selected shows from: 
    - Tour 04 The code of Vulgar[ism]
    - Tour 04 The code of Vulgar[ism] 2004.04.03
Increase Blue ~with scenes from Tour 04 The code of Vulgar[ism]~
Amber ~with scenes from Tour 04 The code of Vulgar[ism]~

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